These messages provide precise syntax needed to motivate positive actions for every type or severity of any illness. They will gently connect you with the quiet personal inner voice you already possess. These journeys remove negative anxieties and emotions using positive thoughts which generate new and positive actions. There is no mention of any disease within these messages. This proven format is ideal for catastrophic illnesses, cancer patients, and their caregivers.  













Relax in a quiet place free from distractions. With your eyes closed, sit in your favorite chair, stretch out on a bed, or even sleep while listing to the Audio Messages. It is recommended you listen to the appropriate chapter at least once a day or when tensions arise. If you wish, memorize parts of the tapes and silently recite them when the audio book is unavailable.




CANCER PATIENT:  "…many thanks for the Positive Cancer tapes and your letter. Personally signed: Cardinal Joseph Bernadine [Chicago]…"  


To Marlene & Kirk: "…I cannot express enough of my gratitude to you for your warmth and caring toward me. I feel like I'm healing each day. …The [audio] tape I Believe In Me reassures one that I'm still alive and  a unique person that God created with a purpose and mission to fulfill…it is filled withal encompassing glow of warmth and love…The surging waters were refreshing and invigorating…I felt a renewed strength, power and healing to go forward with my life…while the outward surge [of the waves] cleansed my body of disease… taking it to a faraway distant place…[the sounds of nature] carried me to a keen sense of our oneness with nature and our Creator … God bless "you two" forever with this treasured giving endeavor . It does make a difference…" 


Hypnosis Wellness Center: "…I have listened to your tapes…and am impressed with their beauty and depth of the statements in the I Believe In Me Tape…You have done a magnificent job of putting into words some extremely powerful suggestions…As a cancer survivor (twice) myself…and I am familiar with the emotions that a cancer patient experiences…Your tapes for chemotherapy and radiation therapy are in a class of their own…and wish for your success in getting them into the hands of the people that need and will use them in their healing…"  


To Marlene from Cancer Patient: "…I found listening to the tapes relaxing. They became the support I didn't have and encouraged me to have hope. You find the music [is] soothing and cradles your fears. I particularly like the male voice [narrator] who offered comfort. The music [on one tape] made me cry because I found myself in a field of wild flowers prancing like a deer without a care in the world…after a while…it brought me back to reality and thirsting for hope… [and I have a dear friend- Marlene] who supported my quest for Life …with great appreciation to my Guardian Angel…"         


Cancer Patient: "…Dear Marlene, Thank you for the Positive Cancer tapes. They helped me face chemotherapy without getting sick. More importantly, they gave me peace and calm during a stressful time…it's sad to say, but cancer affects far too many…"


Oncology Nursing Foundation: "…on behalf of the Foundation Board and the many oncology nurses who will benefit from your generosity, thank you for your support…"


Caregiver for patient in a coma: "…I am truly grateful for all of your input and especially the tapes. We played one tape every day and we are convinced that they are helping him on a subconscious level…"


To Kirk: "…When the final chapter of history is written, your name will be included as one the most important souls who ever lived. And the footnote next to your name will draw comparisons to Santa Claus. What a guy! Thanks…"



Medical Doctor & Cancer Patient: "…I just received the two sets of audio tapes dealing with cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy… Since I'm a physician and former cancer patient I was keenly interested …and listened to all of the tapes and found them to very relaxing and motivational. Having gone through chemotherapy I believe the tapes serve a very useful function as they help deal with some of the stress that the patient experiences during these times. I have given the tapes to the social worker at our hospital and also to the chairman of the psychosocial committee [and] local chapters of the American Cancer Society…


Caregiver: "…thank you personally for your card and encouraging words. You are a model for me…[and] you even appeared in a dream not long ago…Thanks again…"


These Healing Messages were immediately endorsed by cancer patients in the states and from around the world. Via their written responses we quickly learned these messages produced the equally positive benefits for nearly every type or severity of medical ailments. They provided equally positive outcomes during surgical procedures, minor  medical issues, and their caregivers. Marlene and I also learned the tapes were to be given at not cost,  regardless their finance status.




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These Messages are not for medical treatment nor should they be relied upon to produce any change or result in a person's physical or mental condition. This Audio Book make no express of implied warranties as to whether the information in this audio messages will be helpful, and specifically disclaims all express and implied warranties including the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Never listen to audio book messaged while drive a motor vehicle.






Kirk's narrative began in the northern suburbs of Chicago. His degreed academics include multiple scientific disciplines, classical literature, and a passion for classical music.


He is an exceptional communicator and gifted writer. Kirk's words and thoughts are intensely personal and expand rational thinking. During his career he was also a journalist and co-publisher for a chain of weekly newspapers and received numerous accolades for his reporting, editorials, and feature stories. His writings began on an old 1932 Underwood typewriter - computers were still science fantasy.


Kirk is also an innovator with multiple patents and trade secrets for products which  protect American Warfighters from injury and death on global battlefields. He is also a Spiritualist and hypersensitive Empath with Intuitive Spiritual Gifts.





Marlene was the love of Kirk's life and they married in 1983. Several years after they married, Marlene was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and doctors said she'd be dead in six months. Kirk details Spiritual interventions and Spiritual communications which led to the production of the Audible POSITIVE HEALING MESSAGES which successfully managed Marlene's cancer. With unfettered determination they defied medical statistics and enjoyed about 20-cancer free years of pure joy together.  


Sadly Marlene's cancer returned and she is now a Spirit, a Guardian Angel who mentors and watches over Kirk. Their bond of love extends beyond our earthly plain and connects with the Realms of Spirits and the Cosmos. He describes her frequent Spiritual appearances as gentle beautiful monarch butterfly, a red cardinal, a seagull, or a brightly colored yellow goldfinch. 







The original POSITIVE HEALING MESSAGES were written by Kirk to manage Marlene's ovarian cancer. This was accomplished with the generous cooperation with the Biomedical department at the Rush Medical Center and Medical School in Chicago, IL. They kindly provided their state of art recording studio, audio engineer, all background music, sounds of sea birds, and the crashing ocean waves, plus mixing time to assimilate the Messages.


The voice of the narrator was a retired male opera performer who had a gentle and reassuring voice which directly connected with patients. He gently "told the messages" rather than just reading a script. He was empathetic because he had recently lost a close family member to cancer.





Marlene's Eulogy

1946 - 2014


Written and Delivered by her Husband

Saints Peter & Paul Church, Naperville, Illinois

September 13, 2014



Kirk wrote and delivered Marlene's Eulogy after she passed. A close friend shared a very short but very powerful occurrence while sitting the front row of a large Catholic church as he delivered the Eulogy. "…The church was silent, except for Kirk's clear and resonating voice articulating his love for Marlene. Although his voice trembled several times, he eloquently delivered the Eulogy. As I sat quietly listening to his Eulogy, I witnessed a distinct blue aura form, intensify, and surround Kirk. The aura persisted. I was as stunned..."







Good Morning My Love…. Good Morning.   (translated into French)


My Love:

Alas, this part of our Journey together has ended and this is my last Love Letter to you.

In my heart I know we were blessed with the shared Love of Soulmates. Rejoice because our Love for each other was, and still is very very special.


In reflection, when we first met, I knew you were some-how "Distinctly Special." There was an excited, yet timid unexplainable "Knowing" we were in some indescribable way, destined to become One.

For me, it was the beginning of the sweet intoxication of Love. An affair of the Heart.


Together, we learned that if there is Magic in the Universe, it is found in Love. Together, we climbed impossibly high mountains, crossed deep abysses, and tamed ill-tempered dragons. We explored different Cultures and Mysteries found far beyond the distant horizons.


Among the distractions of the Perceived Reality we learned to call "Life" and we soon realized the Bond between us was the unshakable commitment of reunited Soulmates, each of whom had earlier sipped from the forgetful waters of the River Lethe.

For me, being your Soulmate during this Lifetime has been an exciting and unparalleled Adventure of gargantuan proportion. It is an Adventure I will delightfully repeat again and again and again in its entirety and "without changes," .........except perhaps, a wish to fall in love with you earlier in my life knowing that a single Life Time of Joy together in this Dimension is entirely too short!


My Love, know that you are a wonderful Teacher, a superb Instructor of Life and Wisdom. Your students are fortunate individuals - including me - whose lives have been made better because of you. And yes, you have made a difference. A very big difference!


 During our 30+ years together, you accepted me for who I was and what I was…and without attempting to change me. This, by itself, I must admit, is simply amazing!


For me, you always corrected my spelling, checked my arithmetic, usually smiled when you balanced my checkbooks, and always provided proper insight for my written and spoken syntax. And yes, within this final Letter of Love, I have intentionally leaft a couple of grammatical and literary errors for you to correct, or at least, to ponder.


However, after all of these years, I do not believe the "Teacher Label" properly describes you: Rather, You are a very "Special Instructor of Life." One who has the ability to motivate the passion to learn - which allows your students to apply the Knowledge they acquired.


Subtlety, your students learned that Wisdom is Knowledge Used Correctly.


Your personal and courageous 27-year battle with Cancer is a landmark of courage and a poignant lesson of determination. In your role as a Teacher, you compassionately and openly shared this part of your Journey with others facing this insidious disease.


You always provided Hope to others, even in the worst of circumstances. You believed in yourself, defied medical statistics, and lived Life to the fullest. In doing so, the whole World became your Classroom. 


In our twice-recited Vows, I learned the "real meaning" of ..."I love you, not for who you are, but what you are making of Me. I love you not for what you are making of yourself, but what you have done for others." As My Teacher, it is my hope that I have followed "Life's Cues", and dutifully fulfilled my role as one of your Students.


You, as your name in Hebrew says, are a Pillar of Strength. Your Wisdom and Joy of Life continues to be the Muse of Inspiration that others now follow.

Yes, together we also learned there is magic in the joyful laughter of Youth. Retrospectively, I accepted that as one of my "Life's Lessons" was to help you become a Mother and have a family - in spite of your cancer. You quickly became Mother and mentor to Kathy and Jenny. And thereafter, we adopted She Changping, a Treasure from China.


Together we nurtured these Children in the ways of Life because we believe they are special among the Children of the World. Each is a wise and gentle Soul filled with Wisdom from many Ages. They have within themselves all that they need and all that they want. I will continue to direct them to share their Wisdom - and to give - so they will also receive.


My Love, you must know that You are my Cherished Friend! It is You who makes me whole and complete. You became the very fabric of my Life. You gave me direction and purpose. You taught me to love and be to loved, to laugh and to cry, to share, and to trust. You taught me to listen to my Heart knowing that my mind would soon follow.


You taught me how to smile when nothing else seemed to work. Your arms gently wrapped around me became a safe harbor - my own quiet sanctuary - during this Life's Journey with you.


You were my lover, my Teacher, Mother to our children, and Mentor to all of us. During the years, you gently molded individuals into families and transformed houses into homes filled with laughter and joy.  


You are a Morning Star heralding the arrival of Dawn for new Tomorrows. Above all else, you are a Lady of incredible stature, dignity, and poise. Be very proud of whom You are and all You have accomplished in your Lifetime. It is good! You are rightly the Protector and presiding Matriarch of our family.


You are the fabric from which legends are spun and martyrs are born.


Let us Dream and Celebrate this Life. Celebrate our friends. And let's Celebrate the lives of those we have helped, and have comfort knowing that we have helped many who have sought our guidance. …And let us give Honor those who so kindly stopped to help us. Let's Celebrate all that we did together during our Journey.


If our wealth is measured in dollars, we have been comfortable. If we measure our wealth by the friends we have kept, we are certainly among the richest in the world. Celebrate Us.


I try to quiet myself during challenging times like these, but I do not look skyward into the umbra seeking resolution of unanswered questions. Rather, I close my eyes and look inward. I have learned that when I ask a question, I already know the answer, even if I am not yet ready to accept or understand the information it contains


When I am quiet and retrospective, I want to again feel your hand in mine. When I smile or hold a crimson rose, I will think of you. It is my wish to let the memories of our joyful time together live gently in my heart.


When I think of you - when You think of us - I live, and our Love stays kindled.


With me, I know You shared the bountiful Love in your heart and, gentle strength of your Kindness. I thank you for who you are and all you have been to me.


Yes, my Love, I am very saddened by our separation… But if there are to be tears, let them be tears filled with Joy! I am honored and humbled to have been your Student and your Soulmate. Until we are together again, please Watch Over Me. Guide Me. Protect Me. Cradle Me.


If everything is really as you and I believe, I know you are - at this very moment - beside me in Spirit. Remember, that although we are separated, the Bond of Love between us shares no boundaries. It is Timeless.

It is my Sincerest Wish that side by side, we will continue to forever peacefully travel together through all of Eternity on the Wings of Love. When you are ready and if you are willing we will again, in another time and in another place joyfully entwine our arms to reunite as One.


Good By My Love… Until We Meet Again……..

Good Bye






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